FOLKABBESTIA are six young guys from Italy
who play an
energetic and fun-laden mixture of Ska, Polka, Tarantella,
Irish Folk, Slavic melodies and Italian Canzones. With "Il
Senso della Vita", their international debut CD, FOLKA-
BBESTIA spread their distinctive and sometimes anarchic
humour across Europe - and finally, the meaning of life -
Il Senso della Vita is solved.
In a laconic and ironic way,
FOLKABBESTIA tell their tales
of tragic love stories or other adventures with an unhappy
FOLKABBESTA play sentimental sailors' songs, Italian
anthems like "Azzurro", songs about love and loss,
and partisans, presented with an optimistic punk attitude.
The members of the band come
from the city of Puglia, one
of the southernomst regions of Italy, opposite the coast
of Albania. Far from the frenetic hurry, and law and or-
der of the industrial cities of the north, the tip of the heel
of italy plunges deep into the Mediterranian Sea.
So it is easy to understand how the musical traditions
of the southern Italian region, as well as neighbouring
cultures, have influenced FOLKABBESTA's compositions.
With modern as well as traditional
instruments (violin,
accordion, mandolin), FOLKABBESTA deliver a great
live performance, transferring their own sense of fun onto
the audience - jigging and whirling around until completely
Lorenzo Mannsarini (Gesang,
Michele Sansone (Akkordeon)
Guiseppe Porsia (Flöte, Gitarre)
Francesco Fiore (Bass)
Nicola de Liso (Perkussion)
Fabio Losito (Violine)